
This page is an online reference for students, bass players and anyone else who is interested. There are videos, sheet music, exercises and all sort of goodies for bass audition orchestral excerpts. Some of the material is mine, much by others, most of whom are far better known than me. The aim of this page is to share ideas, avoid other people reinventing the same wheel.


Audition orchestral excerpts  
Britten Peter Grimes - Act 1  
Britten March from Frank Bridge Variations FrankBridge
Bruckner Symphony no 7 Bruckner 7
Mozart 40 -  first movement no 1 Mozart40_1
Mozart 40 - first movement no 2 Mozart40_2
Mozart 40 - last movement no 1 Mozart40_3
Mozart 40 - last movement no 2 Mozart40_4
Strauss Ein Heldenleben - fig 1 HeldenlebenFig1
Strauss Ein Heldenleben - fig 9 HeldenlebenFig9
Verdi La Traviata - Act I intro Traviata
Verdi Othello - Act 4 solo OtelloSolo
Scroll down for information on my UK auditions:-  
Below is a list of all the auditions I have done in the UK since arriving back in mid 2010:-

6/23/2010Royal Opera HouseROHno3 Auditioncrashed and burnt, bass smashed en route from Oz, 4 days before audition, jetlag, excuses..
9/14/2010City of Birmingham Symphony OrchestraCBSOCasual auditionon extra list
10/4/2010Opera NorthONCasual work auditionon list, working
3/11/2011PhilharmoniaPhilCasual auditionodd one, would have been on list but I live in Bristol!!
3/21/2011Scottish Chamber OrchestraSCOCasual auditionon list, working
6/1/2011Welsh National OperaWNOPrincipal Audition3 month trial, didnt get the job
9/18/2011Ulster OrchestraUOPrincipal Auditionunder prepared, no trial
2/13/2012Royal Liverpool PhilharmonicRLPOAss Principal Auditiontrial April 2012
3/22/2012Northern SinfoniaNSPrincipal Auditionplayed OK, but no trial
4/17/2012BBC National Orchestra of WalesBBCWPrincipal and no2 Auditionplayed OK, but no trial
5/14/2012Opera NorthONNo2 auditiontrial in mid 2012
6/25/2012Bournemouth Symphony OrchestraBSOCasual auditionon the extra work list
2/11/2015Orchestra VictoriaOVPrincipal bass audition 

...and the excerpts set for each one:-

6/23/2010ROHno3 AuditionBrittenPeter GrimesAct 3 6 flats, Act 1 slow E maj, fig 76
6/23/2010ROHno3 AuditionVerdiLa TraviataAct 1 intro
6/23/2010ROHno3 AuditionVerdiOtelloAct 4 solo, Act 1 triplets
6/23/2010ROHno3 AuditionVerdiRigolettono 3 duo with Vc
6/23/2010ROHno3 AuditionWagnerLohengrinfig 40 dotted passage
10/4/2010ONCasual work auditionBeethovenSymphony no 52nd mov fig C, Scherzo and trio
10/4/2010ONCasual work auditionBrahmsRequiem4th mov legato tune in E flat
10/4/2010ONCasual work auditionMozartSymphony no 39 in E flat1st mov intro scales and theme, last mov semis
10/4/2010ONCasual work auditionVerdiRigolettoAct 1 5 flats passage
3/11/2011PhilCasual auditionBeethovenSymphony no 9recit
3/11/2011PhilCasual auditionMozartSymphony no 40 in G minor1st mov dev and string crossings, last mov semis
3/11/2011PhilCasual auditionStraussEin Heldenlebenfig 9
3/21/2011SCOCasual auditionBeethovenSymphony no 52nd fig C, 3rd Scherzo
3/21/2011SCOCasual auditionBeethovenSymphony no 71st mov Dev
3/21/2011SCOCasual auditionBrahmsSymphony no 12nd mov semis
3/21/2011SCOCasual auditionBrahmsSymphony no 2last mov
3/21/2011SCOCasual auditionBrahmsSymphony no 33rd mov pizz accompaniment
3/21/2011SCOCasual auditionBrittenFrank Bridge variationsMarch
3/21/2011SCOCasual auditionMozartSymphony no 39 in E flat1st mov slow intro, theme, bar 85, last mov semis
3/21/2011SCOCasual auditionMozartSymphony no 40 in G minor1st mov dev, last mov dev

Next is the same list but sorted by piece - you can see how often pieces have cropped up, and which bits. For example Beethoven 5 is very common, but sometimes the 2nd mov and well and the 3rd, and not all orchestras want to hear all the scherzo:-

BachOrchestral Suite No 1 in C3/22/2012NSPrincipal AuditionOverture, Allegro, Courante
BachViolin concerto in E6/1/2011WNOPrincipal Audition2nd mov tune
BachViolin concerto in E2/13/2012RLPOAss Principal Audition2nd mov tune
BeethovenSymphony no 12/11/2015OVPrincipal bass audition 
BeethovenSymphony no 510/4/2010ONCasual work audition2nd mov fig C, Scherzo and trio
BeethovenSymphony no 53/21/2011SCOCasual audition2nd fig C, 3rd Scherzo
BeethovenSymphony no 52/13/2012RLPOAss Principal Audition3rd mov
BeethovenSymphony no 54/17/2012BBCWPrincipal and no2 Auditionscherzo and first half of trio
BeethovenSymphony no 55/14/2012ONNo2 audition2nd mov fig C, Sch and trio extracts
BeethovenSymphony no 56/25/2012BSOCasual audition3rd mov
BeethovenSymphony no 73/21/2011SCOCasual audition1st mov Dev
BeethovenSymphony no 93/11/2011PhilCasual auditionrecit
BeethovenSymphony no 99/18/2011UOPrincipal Auditionrecit
BeethovenSymphony no 92/13/2012RLPOAss Principal Auditionrecit
BeethovenSymphony no 96/25/2012BSOCasual auditionrecit and tune
BergWozzeck6/1/2011WNOPrincipal Auditionsolo
BrahmsEin Deutsches Requiem5/14/2012ONNo2 auditionslow tune in E flat
BrahmsRequiem10/4/2010ONCasual work audition4th mov legato tune in E flat
BrahmsSymphony no 13/21/2011SCOCasual audition2nd mov semis
BrahmsSymphony no 23/21/2011SCOCasual auditionlast mov

And here is a list of the pieces I have been asked to play, and the number of times they have been set. There are lots of solos close to the top of the list, which makes sense considering the number of front desk jobs coming up. The table below show the number piece selected per composer. Verdi is very common for opera auditions!
6BeethovenSymphony no 5
5MozartSymphony no 39 in E flat
5MozartSymphony no 40 in G minor
4BeethovenSymphony no 9
4BrittenPeter Grimes
4BrittenYoung persons guide to the orchestra
4HaydnSymphony no 31 'Horn Signal'
4StravinskyPulcinella Suite
3BrahmsSymphony no 2
3BrittenFrank Bridge variations
3GinasteraVariaciones concertantes
3MahlerSymphony no 1
3ProkofievLt Kije
3StraussEin Heldenleben
3VerdiLa Traviata
2BachViolin concerto in E
2DvorakQuintet in G (bass)
2Saint-SeansCarnival of the Animals
1BachOrchestral Suite No 1 in C
1BeethovenSymphony no 1
1BeethovenSymphony no 7
1BrahmsEin Deutsches Requiem
1BrahmsSymphony no 1
1BrahmsSymphony no 3
1BrahmsSymphony no 4
1BrittenAlbert Herring
1BrittenWar Requiem
1BrucknerSymphony no 7
1FrancaixSix preludes
1HaydnSymphony no 6 'Le Matin'
1HolstPerfect Fool
1MahlerSymphony no 2
1MozartMagic Flute overture
1ProkofievRomeo and Juliet Suite
1SchumannSymphony no 1
1ShostakovitchSymphony no 11
1StraussAriadne auf Naxos
1StraussDer Rosenkavalier
1StraussDon Juan
1TchaikovskySerenade for strings
1VerdiBallet music

© 2016 Stuart Riley, all rights reserved